jharkhandkabaddi@gmail.com +91 9431322130
Order On Doping

Order On Doping

Doping in sports is a grave concern that jeopardizes the principles of fairness, integrity, and healthy competition. To combat this issue and ensure a level playing field in Kabaddi, strict anti-doping measures and regulations are enforced.

Testing Protocols: Kabaddi organizations, in line with global sporting bodies, implement robust testing protocols. Athletes are subjected to both in-competition and out-of-competition drug tests. These tests are conducted using state-of-the-art technology and adhere to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) standards.

Prohibited Substances: The order on doping clearly outlines the prohibited substances and methods that athletes must avoid. These substances may include performance-enhancing drugs, stimulants, anabolic steroids, and other substances that could provide an unfair advantage.

Education and Awareness: Education is a crucial aspect of anti-doping efforts. Athletes, coaches, and support staff are educated about the risks of doping, the consequences of doping violations, and the importance of clean and fair competition.

Consequences of Doping:The order on doping also specifies the severe consequences of doping violations. Athletes who are found guilty of doping may face suspensions, fines, and the tarnishing of their reputation. This not only affects their careers but also the reputation of the sport.

Protection of Whistleblowers: To maintain transparency and encourage reporting, provisions are in place to protect whistleblowers who come forward with information regarding doping violations. This helps in uncovering and preventing doping practices.

Promoting Clean Kabaddi: The order on doping reflects a commitment to maintaining the integrity of Kabaddi. By promoting clean and drug-free competition, Kabaddi organizations ensure that the sport remains a true test of skill, strategy, and athleticism.

In conclusion, the order on doping in Kabaddi underscores the sport's dedication to ethical values and fair competition. By implementing stringent anti-doping measures, educating stakeholders, and penalizing violators, Kabaddi organizations protect the sport's integrity and uphold the principles of clean and honest competition.